Monday, June 1, 2009

Packing and Preparing

This time next week I will be in Guatemala! I'm so excited and can't wait to see the work that God is going to do in the lives of the people there. This week I'm doing last minute preparations and packing. I have so much laundry to get caught up on before I can even attempt to pack though.

I can't wait to serve alongside the other members of the Northstar team and the Parker family. We are excited about the VBS that we will be putting on for the children there and have some great Bible stories, crafts, and games planned. While this will be such a fun time for us and for the kids, our focus remains clear: praying that souls will be saved and lives will be changed.

Please pray for me this week as I get things ready and prepare myself for this trip. I know that I'm going to come back with new desires and that God is really going to work in my heart and life. I just pray that I can be the best light for Him while I'm there, all while telling of His grace and loving on those sweet people.

If you haven't had a chance to "meet" the Parker family, please do so by clicking on the picture at the top of the post. There, you can read all about Clubhouse Guatemala and what they do in Guatemala. You don't want to miss out on an opprotunity to pray for such an awesome ministry!

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