Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 5: VBS


It was another great VBS day. We made salvation bead keychains in crafts and Alex and Brian went to each class to share the Gospel with the children and teachers. It was so awesome to feel the presence of God in each room and watch the children listen so intently.

I got to play with Edgar for a really long time today. We colored on the sidewalk with chalk and sat together for a really long time. He had some extra Q's (money) and ran off to the tienda (store) to buy a snack. When he came back, he had a bag of chip like things. He sat in my lap and would pull out two at a time and hand one to me and keep one for himself. It was so special just sitting and sharing a bag of chips with a little boy that captured my heart.

We also started building a chicken coop for a family in San Mateo. We provided a single mother of 5 children with 20 baby chicks and 100lbs of feed. She will be able to use the eggs to feed her family and to sell to others in the village, as well as raise more chicks and eat the chickens when they get bigger.

Pastor Scott shared with me today that it's a good thing when you give away what you can't keep in order to gain the things you will never lose. Something to think about....

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